1 Hot Day In Waco 4:49
2 Hello Helen 1:55
3 Womanizer 4:26
4 Silkworm Exploding 3:08
5 Nothing Better 5:51
6 Bus 5:16
7 Growing Up In A Wheelchair 4:28
8 Love Bomb 3:48
9 Oklahoma 3:58
10 Cindy On The Sidewalk 3:05
11 Anastasia 4:00
12 Cyclops Nuclear Submarine Captain 3:43
13 Going Out On A Date (With A Girl That You Like) 1:32
14 South American Eye 2:47
15 The President Was Shot 3:28
16 On The Monkey Bars 3:27
17 Cigars Guitars + Topless Bars 3:52
18 Gunsmoke 3:02
19 Blue Fur Bosom Girl 4:08